O Happy Soul

Written Text

O Happy Soul
O happy soul,
Your body was born from the earth
Which you tread on during the pilgrimage of this world.
Accordingly, with the divine intelligence
Which made you its mirror,
You are crowned.

The Holy Spirit
Looks upon you as its very own dwelling place.
Accordingly, with the divine intelligence
Which made you its mirror,
You are crowned.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy

O Felix Anima
O felix anima,
cuius corpus de terra ortum est,
quod tu cum peregrinatione huius mundi conculcasti.
Unde de divina rationalitate,
quae te speculum suum fecit,
coronata es.

Spiritus Sanctus etiam
te ut habitaculum suum intuebatur.
Unde de divina rationalitate,
quae te speculum suumfecit,
coronata es.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto.